STRONG AI Strong AI is the study and design of machines that simulate the human mind to perform intelligent tasks. It borrows many ideas from psychology , neuroscience and the main aim is to perform a task, the way a human might do them. It includes psychological ideas in Short term memory (STM), Long Term Memory (LTM), language, genetics, etc. It has a complex algorithm that helps it act in different situations. For example : The AI that is found in games is a good example of Strong AI. AI learns from itself to adapt and to outsmart the human opponents. The game of chess, nim, are good examples of Strong AI. LIMITATIONS OF STRONG AI : Job Losses Unemployment will be a major cause as there are chances of artificial intelligence displacing many low-skilled jobs. Arguably, robots have already taken many jobs on the assembly line but now this could extend to new levels. F or example - the concept of driverless cars, which could displace the need to have millions of human drivers, from